



嗡,阿拉巴紮那提。 ———文殊菩薩心咒。


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理論探索無有止境,一切問題永遠沒有最終的,標準的,唯一的答案。 “周雖舊邦,其命維新。”《詩經·大雅·文王》。




































明代大科學家徐光啟翻譯《幾何原理》確定幾何名稱,也許並未考慮古漢語與英語和拉丁語的近似性,只從發音相似以確定名稱。這裡的研究或許能提供一點有用的東西給歷史數學等學科的編寫。對今後對於英語的翻譯方向提供了一個選項。因為現代英語詞彙越來越多,有時為了方便,直接引進。而實際上,漢語總是有詞彙與之對應,且發音接近,只是此詞彙未實際應用,但總是可以明白。例如:ana.es.the.sia [] n. [國sang zhi]喪知;麻醉。 [<希臘語]。通過詞表也希望搞清,盡量使用已有的詞彙而不要熱衷創詞或者隨意移植詞彙。古人創造一個詞彙不容易。性,道,陰陽為好或中詞。願能使詞彙返璞歸真。













古代的思維大致都一樣。所有詞彙均可以認為是從對聲音的模仿而起源,依靠大自然的啟發與人的體驗來組字詞,類似八卦的定義,不論中文還是英法文等。例如貓mao,也許就是從對貓的叫聲模仿而來。 bird,或許與鳥的叫聲有關。妞,girl,也許就是從對女孩的聲音的模仿而來。 arrown.[國sou]嗖;箭。 art [] n. [國a] 啊!美術,藝術。啊,表感嘆,表藝術。

唱歌是喉管變粗,變細,語言是音在喉管的上下位置變化。按照中國古代人天對應的觀點所作出的推斷,作一個假定。不同的元音在發音的氣道中,位置是不同的。 a阿,o我,e哦,i一,u無,yu於,在發音氣道中的位置是由上而下,與外在所代表之物的位置一樣。 a音為高,yu音為低。鼻音較其根音為高。從人體的頭到足,與a,o,e,i,u,yu的排列對應。例如a對應頭髮,o或者ou對應頭,e對應喉,i對應胸;u對應肚,足。外在事物方面,表示在上面往往用a,ou等等元音,表示下面往往用u,yu音。例如如foot,sous,足,住,即表示下面的事物。中國象形文字是不同場合或行為配不同的字,如:住,注,駐。一個詞,先有其音上面的意義,後用字表達出來,即先音意後字意。






















H:輔音h可能也是有此功能。 h聲音直接出來。 gkh同根。







Sun [] n.[國yang]陽,乾陽;moon [] n.[國kuen-kun]坤;坤月。











































每種語言都有變化的歷程。例如英語give,gift等等一樣,阿拉伯語,一個書的詞根演化書屋,書商的等等一樣。 -ing為保守的音節。


















book 書,shu





口, kou。 white,白,bai red,按拼寫讀,ri,赤,chi,



法語office,府oui,唯;plus,屢次,quand當,rivere,水,ruin毀,chien犬。 bong,好,不錯,可以,河南話裡面有:中,zhong;漢語:太tai;法語發音tre。 ma.rine,溟,大海古稱。

























共通語言往往給出較爲寬泛的解釋,帶有想像的成分。雖然是對詞匯的解釋,但依然想把詩意放在枯燥的解釋裏面。可以假設語言之間有聯繫,同樣的詞這種語言用到表示這個意思,那個語言表示別的意思,但還是有點關聯,這裏的解釋也似乎能夠講通。例如英語dreams,吹chuei ;夢。夢似吹煙。 longer,龍(麻將一條龍)long;長。不知距離華夏遙遠的地方是否也有龍的概念。


音直譯的好處在於無障礙的了解其思想,並且記得牢靠。例如:auto-[] v. [<希臘語]。 [國 bao, jiao, jiao, xiao, zhao, wo]寶,驕,蛟,小,肇,我;自,自身。你願意稱你自己什麼,你就選什麼詞彙。古人造字也許就是這樣做的。










理論探索無有止境,一切問題永遠沒有最終的,標準的,唯一的答案。周雖舊邦,其命維新。 ———–《詩經·大雅·文王》。感謝老天爺。感謝大地。感謝國家和人民。感謝列祖列宗。感謝父母與家人。感謝漢字創立者。感謝以往詞典編寫者。感謝文字改革者,因為保留了漢文字。願我們強大。願世界和平。


Respect the great Manjushri.

Om, Alaba Zanati. — Manjusri Bodhisattva’s mantra.

Explanation of common language

Website www.languagesbook.com

email: collanguage@collanguage.com


Robert’s French-Chinese Dictionary
The latest advanced English-Chinese dictionary, the Commercial Press
Ancient Chinese Dictionary, Commercial Press
Mandarin dictionary, The internet

Thank God, earth, country and people; thank ancestors and ancestors; parents and family. Thanks to the creators of Chinese characters and letters, and the authors of various dictionaries.

May we be strong. May the world be peaceful. I hope that through the study of language, we will be able to absorb the essence of human civilization from all parts of the world and create great prosperity.

The environment of freedom of thought, rights and habits are the basis of the conception of a common language, and a common language is the product of imagination. Although the development direction and path of the common language cannot be determined now, there will be clear answers as the society develops.

Theoretical exploration is endless, and there is never a final, standard, and only answer to all questions. “Although Zhou is an old state, its fate is restored.” “The Book of Songs·Daya·Wen Wang”.

Perhaps one day, JinKai, the golden musical instrument, is based on the correlation of consonants or vowels between vocabularies of different languages, and triggers the idea and vocabulary of a common language, which will become the communication and even communication of mankind’s future space navigation.

Introduction to Common Languages

The basis for the compilation of the common language vocabulary is to believe that human language is changed from one language, or there is mutual influence between each other, or there is similarity. He also believes that in the process of language development, vowels and consonants change but there are still rules to follow; the division of language family is not an insurmountable barrier, and the grammar and words used should not become obstacles to the study of the common nature of language.

The purpose of writing the vocabulary is to provide an engineering method for language learning, which can be a reference material for learning English, French and Chinese. Some of the content can also be considered as conclusions from the study of language.

This is a vocabulary for learning. Writing in modern English and modern Chinese (including Chinese local dialects), the choice of vocabulary does not exceed the existing ordinary English-Chinese and Chinese dictionaries. The pronunciation of modern English and modern Chinese is used as the basis for writing, but it also involves Old English and Latin. The pronunciation and vocabulary of ancient Chinese have changed. In this vocabulary, it is easy to remember and apply, and to master English and French vocabulary through literal translation.

The content of this vocabulary is only my opinion.

In ancient Chinese or classical Chinese, sentences are basically composed of single words. By reading this vocabulary, we can find that the expression in English and French may be similar to the expression in ancient Chinese or Chinese local dialect.

My job is not unique. Those who are interested in language deeply explore the origin and connection of language. Their work has deeply influenced and inspired my view of language.

I studied English-Chinese dictionaries for almost ten years and spent the whole time trying to master English by learning dictionaries. I have always had the idea that when I see English, I can know Chinese. Because of doing other things, I gave up this seemingly stupid method.

Later, due to environmental requirements, I learned French. I still use this method to try to master and translate French vocabulary. I have heard other people say that French and Chinese have several vocabulary the same. I have also read a few articles on the Internet, and some words are similar in English and Chinese. I think that language and Chinese should have something in common. I tried to use literal translation to write French and Chinese vocabulary in order to master French vocabulary. After writing, I gradually felt that English and French seemed to be able to directly correspond to the words and characters of some ancient Chinese, Chinese local dialect, and spoken Chinese. Readers can understand this by reading this vocabulary patiently. In this way, the writing is integrated into this English-Chinese literal dictionary.

Of course, this issue is indeed more complicated, involving various disciplines such as archaeology, linguistics, genetics, and so on, which need to be discussed by scholars. If we want to prove the common nature of languages, we need a more in-depth discussion. My vocabulary may be used as a common language material, but it is not or can prove that there is a certain relationship between the two.

What I care about is only one problem, that is, it can help people learn English, French and Chinese more conveniently. Out of the idea of ​​memorizing vocabulary, here is just to find Chinese characters with similar sounds to English and French vocabulary.

For Chinese speakers, when you see an English vocabulary, you can convert it into similar Chinese characters for easy memory and understanding. For English speakers, it can be used to learn Chinese characters. Hieroglyphs have eternal charm.

In the vocabulary, only the more commonly used English and French vocabularies are selected, and the corresponding Chinese vocabulary is only one or two to write. The Chinese vocabulary cannot be considered as the final answer, so the network vocabulary is used to facilitate modification. The writing of some Chinese vocabulary really seems reluctant. If you need a detailed and accurate vocabulary explanation, please consult various other English-Chinese dictionaries immediately.

In the process of compiling this vocabulary, I have consulted other dictionaries, including English-Chinese dictionaries, Xinhua dictionaries, and ancient Chinese dictionaries. Thank you here.

I would like to ask all readers for your valuable comments, the author is very grateful.

The author keeps in mind.

The origin of common language explanation

I learned English and French very early. When I was in elementary school, I followed the radio station to study. Later, I let it go for a long time, because I wanted to walk around the world, so I picked up foreign language learning again. Foreign language learning in the adult age is different from that in the childhood. It requires some memory skills and methods, so it will follow some linguistics to study some linguistics, and gradually become interested in the phenomena and laws of the language, and think about some things in the language. In the past, the scope of vision was related to the knowledge of the physical world, such as mathematics, physics, electrical machinery, etc.; I was also interested in music, painting, calligraphy and other arts, but I did not expect that language research is actually a science, and it is closely related to people. Related knowledge.

Later came to live in Montreal. Mengcheng is a good place to swim in summer and ski in winter and gather with all kinds of people. In fact, it is worth cherishing that you can learn to use French and English here. This is a good environment that is not available in other places. Immigrants and their children speak more of the language of their hometown. Montreal, English and French coexist, I have some conditions to study Chinese, English and French together, hoping to find common ground between the three. In today’s world, English and French occupy an important position, and Chinese now has many advantages, and our Chinese characters are very valuable. By studying some linguistics and history articles, communicating with some friends, and doing some thinking, I feel that different languages ​​can still be connected.

The author spent almost ten years studying English-Chinese dictionaries, and spent the whole time trying to master English by learning dictionaries. I have always had the idea that when I see English, I can know Chinese. Because of doing other things, I gave up this seemingly stupid method. Later, due to environmental requirements, I learned French. I still use this method to try to master and translate French vocabulary. I have heard other people say that French and Chinese have several vocabulary the same.

Through online or book learning, and communicating with people from all over the world, I have realized the similarities in human languages. I think there should be similarities between English and Chinese, and Chinese characters are extremely precious. Study it in your spare time. Try to use literal translation to write French and Chinese vocabulary in order to master French vocabulary. After writing for a period of time, considering the importance of English, I decided to write an English-Chinese vocabulary comparison first. After writing, I gradually felt that English and ancient Chinese, Chinese local dialect, and spoken Chinese seemed to be closer. Readers can understand this by reading this dictionary patiently. In this way, the writing is merged into a common language vocabulary, and a common language website www.collanguage.com is established to share their labor income with others.

Language and writing are beautiful flowers that God bestows on us. Both the pronunciation tense and the writing of words seem to be a summary of the views of time and space by the ancients and later philosophers in the vast space and extremely distant era. May every language and characters bloom like flowers in a garden.

Chinese characters are hieroglyphs, precious and stable. Although Pinyin is easy to learn, the pronunciation will change over time. Those who came later could not understand the thoughts of the predecessors. This is even more so in the age of immigration, that is, the age of navigation or aerospace. The languages ​​of different places and different planets are definitely different. It is impossible to imagine that everyone speaks only one language. Only Chinese characters can solve the problem of literal communication. Of course, if you have thought sensing, you can also use your brain to pass Chinese characters. If you speak different languages, you will get different spellings, which is not easy to understand, just like the problems in the paper age. In short, Chinese characters have extraordinary functions.

In fact, language learning is not the goal. Using language to discuss issues is the ultimate goal of language learning. Any issues you are interested in should be the object of discussion and should not be restricted, so as to inspire wisdom and solve problems, and promote the progress of civilization.

The purpose of common language

Language is indeed a summary of what mankind has seen and heard, thoughts and thoughts since ancient times. Now the development of linguistics has developed to the extent that it affects real-world technology. For example, computer language is the application of language research in transforming the material world.

The non-linguistic research presented here is the result of what I think of in daily life, combined with the rules of language and phonetics that I think of myself. My job is not unique. Those who are interested in language deeply explore the origin and connection of language. Their work has deeply influenced and inspired my view of language.

The idea and attempt of a common language is to connect different languages, similar to several electronic circuit boards, regardless of their internal evolution, but only focus on the connection of external interfaces. It is a review of the history of language development, and it is also a prospect of the future language. It is not based on research based on various existing theories, but it also provides a language research idea; it provides a language learning method, that is, to correspond to a Chinese character with the closest pronunciation and meaning to English and French vocabulary for memorization.

But, after all, we are people with bones, flesh and blood, and body temperature, not just a cold machine. Therefore, thinking about problems in conjunction with daily life and art is in line with our human nature. Translating the laws of language into symbols or digits is the way of so-called Waidan. Thinking about language in this way is the same thing as studying physical chemistry, astronomy, geography, electronic machinery, etc. It is nothing more than using mathematics or symbols to study different objects. In fact, it is the study of physical chemistry, astronomy, geography, and electronic machinery. There is also a factor that considers people’s feelings. The feelings of people mentioned here are not only convenient and beautiful in operation, appearance, etc., but also whether people can experience the operation, not inferring from the external interface. It can be done by describing things and processes through language and doing an intuitive experience.

Euclidean geometry is a general doctrine paradigm from ancient times to the present, and later sciences such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geography are established on this basis. The pre-Qin philosophers of China constructed the Chinese academic system, Chinese medicine, Zhouyi, Five Elements theory and so on. Analogy logic is actually the most widely used logic in ancient Chinese classics. The ancient Chinese applied the logic of analogy to everything in the world, implying a logical assumption that there is similarity between everything in the world. That is to say, the universe is a system, and the inside of the system is similar, so the concept of yin and yang and five elements has a logical foundation. The characteristic of analogy logic is relatively rough, but it can still draw many effective conclusions. But we can’t all wait for the establishment of the basic deductive theory to find the similarity of language and apply it to language learning. Even if there is a theoretical discussion on the relevance of language, it lacks emotional color.

Language does contain our emotions, and it is best to study it through our lives. By means of reasoning, such as the creation of the so-called Esperanto, or the creation of Indo-European source languages, there is a lack of emotional color. I want to make my thoughts and what I write rooted in life, with the breath of life. Language is alive only through the expression of art and literature.

Through the comparison of vocabulary in different languages, it is hoped that it can promote people’s language learning. Learning Chinese well can promote foreign language learning. Ancient India, Europe, Persia, etc., have a large number of documents, if you can use software to literally translate, you can overcome the barriers of language letters. The ultimate goal is that books in other languages ​​correspond to Chinese characters, so that they can be preserved in the form of Chinese characters.

The purpose of writing in a common language is to provide a way to learn English or Chinese. Some of the content can also be considered as conclusions from the study of language. Only my opinion. It can be a reference material for learning English, French and Chinese. Correspondence mentioned in the vocabulary here refers to the contrast between the vocabulary of the language, its spelling or phonetic vowels, or it is just a fun game. The common language vocabulary is re-applied, and the ins and outs of the language vocabulary are not studied in detail, so that it can be easily memorized.

The explanation of the common language is actually based on the theory that one human language has a common nature, and the second human language evolved from a few languages. The three languages ​​have interrelated influences due to human movement. Even if we use hieroglyphs, Chinese is still closely related to other languages. This is just a study from the perspective of pronunciation. With the discovery of archaeology, it should be verified. In the process of language development, vowels and consonants change regularly; the division of language family is not an insurmountable barrier, and the grammar and the characters used should not become obstacles to the study of the common nature of language.

Xu Guangqi, a great scientist in the Ming Dynasty, translated “Principles of Geometry” to determine the geometric name. Perhaps he did not consider the similarity between ancient Chinese, English and Latin, and only determined the name from the similar pronunciation. The research here may provide something useful for the compilation of subjects such as historical mathematics. An option is provided for the direction of English translation in the future. Because there are more and more modern English vocabulary, sometimes it is directly introduced for convenience. In fact, Chinese always has vocabulary corresponding to it, and the pronunciation is close, but this vocabulary is not actually used, but it can always be understood. For example: ana.es.the.sia [] n. [国sang zhi] mourning knowledge; anesthesia. [<Greek]. I also hope to find out through the vocabulary, and try to use the existing vocabulary instead of creating words or transplanting vocabulary at will. It was not easy for the ancients to create a vocabulary. Sex, Tao, Yin and Yang are good or Chinese words. I hope to bring the vocabulary back to the basics.

Modern Chinese is not as concise as ancient Chinese. For example, about; contract. Discuss; consult, consult. We need to restore the language and writing used by our ancestors, concise and image, that was created by the painstaking efforts of the ancient sages. It is a pity that we abandon the creation of the ancients. For example: a word ‘photo’, we must use two words to express: photography, maintenance. Restore our ancient languages, local languages, and popular languages. No one is worthless. The text that should be used is a font that has been gradually evolved for five thousand years.

There will always be a steady stream of new words. For example, there are so many cars and so many toys, but it can be said that there are as many dreams as there are dreams. Natural creation, no pretense. Language is developing. Development requires romance. If you tell the students so many rules from the beginning of the language learning, then the language is dead. Or the final outcome is to only remember the rules, but not words. The same is true for every theory. How to learn a language? Pile up with words. Although writing is very cumbersome, it is a romantic thing because you can think far and far. It can be imagined for ten thousand years. Through the vocabulary of the language, one can think of history, feel the footsteps of the ancient civilization, and feel the intention of the great ancestors inventing languages. The same sound expresses different meanings, and the ancients created different words to correspond to it. These great ancestors crisscrossed the Eurasian continent and created civilization in different places.

Are we using our current point of view to understand the ancients and others? For example, we may think that the various action names in the Big Wild Goose Gong are just action names, but because the ancients have a larger realm than ours, they may not be as we understand now. Contains a detached understanding of the world. Like yin and yang, now it is said that the ancients, through abstraction, saw the sun, men, etc., and drew the concept of yang. Perhaps it is the sun, the state of a man coming from yin and yang, which was understood by the ancient human body. For example, understand. The understanding of the word in English and Chinese is different.

Language and writing are artistic things, and their origin and evolution are not strictly defined and reasoned like mathematical theorems. They are very random and accidental. But through hard work, we can also find a pattern. For example, the division of language family, the influence of literary works on language. The language will also conform to the Five Elements Bagua.

Common language explores possible connections between languages ​​to promote language learning. Non-textbook, non-final answer, is a dynamic process. Instead of creating a language, we strive to make different languages ​​run through while maintaining their independence. This is a grand affair, a goal pursued by a common language.

Phonetic discourse in common language

Sound originally exists in nature, and the mind and body also belong to nature. That being the case, then humans should use the same language to express the same thing. Not only that, the sounds felt by all creatures and the sounds used to express joy and pain will be the same as human beings.

Language should include mantras and communication language. The mantras of the Bodhisattva are issued by his willingness to survive and cannot be translated and understood in the language we use. Maybe it is the language of the previous generation of humans. But I know that reciting the mantra of a bodhisattva will correspond to his aspiration. Such as the Great Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva: Om Mani Pad Mihong. According to Lay Nan Huaijin, Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet has this mantra, and it also exists in some parts of the world.

The language of communication is the various languages ​​nowadays. Language is related to the ancient people’s knowledge of the world and themselves. Ancient Chinese thought believed that man and nature were one, and the world transformed from Pangu into a mountain and ocean forest; ancient Indian thought believed that the universe is an adult. The incantations of Tibetan Buddhism and other sects should also help us have a deeper understanding of language. At first, the language should be for praising the gods, and then for communication, such as the teaching of the real tribe in Australia. Of course, whether the gods are inside or outside the body, big or small, ancient and modern, different sects have different opinions.

Ancient Indian thought believed that the world originated from Azi. Therefore, when the ancients began to produce words, there was a sound first, and then other sounds. The word “A” stands for nothing. Although it comes from the mouth, it comes from the void, from the dark, from nothing. All sounds come from one sound “A”, all languages ​​come from one language, people come from one place or even one person. That is, one life two, two beget three, three beget all things. And one grows from being, and something grows from nothing. Everything in the outside world, the colors, sounds, fragrances, and touches that people or sentient beings feel through their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body mind, and thus some of the emotions, sorrows, sorrows, sorrows, and terrors are all sentient beings’ final feelings. These, born of the heart, will be in harmony with the outside world. Just like the principle of resonance, this is the realm of sentient beings. The realm of the Bodhisattva is as stated in the “Heart Sutra” translated by Master Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Seng Tang Sanzang of Journey to the West: Comprehension of freedom is to see that the five aggregates are empty, and all sufferings are saved. Color is matter. The colors mentioned by Master Confucius should also be material.

The sound itself already has the properties of expressing objects, such as the thickness of the upper and lower ground. At the same time, there are pictographs corresponding to the audio to indicate the objects seen by the eyes. For example: The character “San” already knows the meaning from the pronunciation, and it is easier to understand by adding Chinese characters. The Buddhist scriptures say that people come from the sixth heaven, the light and sound heaven. The creation of Chinese characters should be able to confirm this statement.

Vocabulary is related to people’s origin, culture, history, religion, and even the ancient outlook on life and the universe in places such as ancient China, ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient Siberia and so on 10,000 years ago. The ancient Chinese people may have several parts: the northern race, the southern race, and the western race.

Ancient thinking is roughly the same. All vocabulary can be considered to originate from the imitation of sound, relying on the inspiration of nature and human experience to form words, similar to the definition of gossip, whether in Chinese or English or French. For example, the cat mao may be imitated from the cat’s cry. bird may be related to the bird’s call. Girl, girl, may come from imitating a girl’s voice. arrown.[国sou] whoosh; arrow. art [] n. [国a] Ah! Fine arts, art. Ah, watch sigh, watch art.

Singing means that the throat becomes thicker and thinner, and the language is that the sound changes in the upper and lower positions of the throat. Make an assumption based on the inference made by the view of the correspondence between man and sky in ancient China. Different vowels have different positions in the airway of pronunciation. a, o me, e oh, i one, u nothing, yu Yu, the position in the pronunciation airway is from top to bottom, the same as the position of the external representation. The sound of a is high, and the sound of yu is low. The nasal sound is higher than its root sound. From the head to the feet of the human body, it corresponds to the arrangement of a, o, e, i, u, and yu. For example, a corresponds to hair, o or ou corresponds to head, e corresponds to throat, and i corresponds to chest; u corresponds to belly and feet. In terms of external things, it means that vowels such as a, ou and so on are often used in the upper part, and u and yu are often used in the lower part. For example, foot, sous, foot, live, which means the following things. Chinese hieroglyphs are characters that match different occasions or behaviors, such as: live, note, and stay. A word first has the meaning above its sound, and then it is expressed in words, that is, the meaning of the word first, the meaning of the word first.

The following is the order of sound from high to low:

ang, a, e, i, u, yu.

The position of nasal words is higher than that of non-nasal words, for example: upper shang and lower xia.

High gao, the position of the high word in the airway is higher than the low word;

Di, the low word is lower than the high word in the airway;

The same inference is that each vowel emits a different amount of air in the airway. E.g

The cu is thick, and the thick words emit more air in the airway.

xi fine. The air volume of the fine writing in the airway should be small.

Like French, Latin vocabulary has yin and yang. Sound can also be divided into yin and yang.

A positive, day

O negative

E negative

I negative: ground, dense, mud, greasy, inverse, Nepal. Drowning, hiding.

U negative

V negative: rain, go, female, reject,

Then use the specific place, and then divide the yin and yang. E.g


Masculine (changing long, big): introduction, connection, festival (day), outstanding, uncovering; clean, iron, wild, ye, ye, ye.

Negative: suffocated, shriveled, lame, don’t, turtle, fluid, night,

The same English word should have the same part-of-speech Chinese vocabulary as its counterpart.

AO: Sound represents power, and it may all come from one sound. Good, Yao, called, Liao.

H: The consonant h may also have this function. h sound comes out directly. Gkh has the same root.

The five elements of matter correspond to the English numbers.

Gold One, Wood Two, Water Three Fire Four, Soil Five,

Correspondence between Tianqian and English numbers.

A, B, C, D, E, Six, Geng se.ven, Xin, Nine, Deca

Correspondence between Earthly Branches and English Numbers.

Mouse, Ugly Bull, Yinhu, Maotu, Chenlong, Sisnake six, Wuma, Weiyang eight, Shenhou nine, Youji, Xugou, Haizhu twel.ve

Sun [] n.[国yang] Yang, dry Yang; moon [] n.[国kuen-kun] Kun; Kun Yue.

Chinese characters are extraordinary

The four tones and five tones in Chinese dialects are of a singing nature. It is a kind of beautiful language expression that expresses the image of natural things, and also expresses the sound. It is the wisdom creation of our ancestors in the ancient country. Cantonese elegance: nine tones and six tones, with strong ancient rhyme.

We also have Chinese characters.

Chinese characters are extremely useful. In the aerospace era, pictographs are needed; people exercise their right brain to prevent Alzheimer’s; there are too many scientific and technological vocabulary; the pronunciation is always changing over time.

The creation of Chinese hieroglyphs is a long process. In Europe, Siberia, Yinshan Mountains, and the west coast of the United States, rock carvings with a time of 5,000 to 10,000 years may be one of the sources. Chinese characters may have origins from Sumer, Ancient Egypt, etc.

Nowadays, many written instructions are drawn as icons, and Chinese characters, as hieroglyphs, have the nature of icons themselves.

There are many words in the world now. A type of writing has two expressions: letters and pictographs. Pictographs serve as a common medium so that anyone can read publications in other languages ​​and communicate with each other.

A pronunciation corresponds to different words, different meanings, and different Chinese characters. It seems to come from an original pronunciation, and all come from one meaning. That is, there is no birth, there is birth one, one birth two, two birth three, that is, there is a vocabulary, which is changed into different words according to different places. E.g:


Yi, transfer, translation, difference, ease, loss, overflow, interpretation, suppression, loss, legacy, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi. The meaning of change.


Sled, voila, shell, pretty, sled, clever, knock, sway, overseas Chinese. The meaning of appearance.


Cang Zang and so on agreed, it may be different time, different man-made.

qie, que

The lack of jade, lack, loss khwed, collapsed, sawed, cut.


Laugh, filial

un sound

Roll gun, round lun, army jun, transport yun; perhaps from glun.

y, yang

Yang, Yang, Yang, Yibang, etc., tall are all related. One side is related, and the side of raising sheep is related to life.

uan sound

q-circle full volume, h-finish ring, w-bend bowl pill Xuanyuan, x-rotation; turn, ring, turn, etc. are all related to circle.


Luo, each, etc. must have the same pronunciation in ancient times, using different characters to distinguish them.

Words with the same meaning in Chinese characters may come from one sound, for example

Er, you, you, etc. are all from one voice.

The same radical radicals in Chinese characters may be related, for example

Willows are related to rivets.

There may be links between different language families

The degree of relevance between languages ​​is greater than we imagined. The division of language families is an old thing, and Chinese also has tense. When it comes to languages, one thinks of language families, including the so-called Sino-Tibetan language family, Indo-European language family, Austro-Asian language family, Altaic language family, and so on. These divisions are the conclusions drawn by linguists after investigation, analysis, debate, and summary. With the passage of time and the advent of new research results, the criteria for the division of language families may change. When the language family is divided, people will naturally think that the languages ​​within the language family have some common things, such as grammar, vocabulary, etc. It is impossible for different language family languages ​​to have any connection.

To explore the source of language, one must talk about the source of people and ethnicity. In the past, the perception was that the Chinese were transformed from the Peking Man, but now genetic studies have proved that the modern Chinese are not related to the Peking Man, and the Peking Man has been extinct during the last ice age. Some information about human migration does prove that human language may be related. It has been proved that all modern humans in the world today are descendants of Homo sapiens who came out of Africa about 70,000 years ago, and the languages ​​of people in Eurasia must be related. Cavemen were found near Beijing, China, but they do not seem to be the ancestors of modern Chinese. In a boundary, the relics found are not necessarily the ancestors of the people living here or their creations. The ancients knew no borders. The Chinese ancestors came from the vast northern grasslands, from places where stone carvings were found, from the Kunlun Mountains to the west, and from the peninsula to the south. Ireland also has dragons, and Hongshan culture also has dragons, but they are different. The modern race may be the descendants of the African people who started to accelerate their progress suddenly 40,000 or 50,000 years ago for unknown reasons, including us modern Chinese. Therefore, it can be inferred that different languages ​​are all developed from the core language.

The impact of historical events on language. It is generally believed that languages ​​that are far apart geographically, no matter in terms of language family or geography, are considered to be two extremely different languages ​​without any relationship. However, if we make a comparative study of several languages, and this comparison is based on the ancient, modern official and contemporary local languages ​​of both sides, modern human origin and genetic doctrines, and considering the changes in their respective history. Even based on a very common sense of the possibility of human freedom of migration in ancient times, it may be possible to conclude that there may be a relationship between languages.

Language is related to human migration. Humans migrated freely in ancient times. The Huns were able to migrate thousands of miles from northern China to Europe, Turkic and Mongolians, we know that they departed from East Asia or Central Asia to reach Europe. This is recorded in history books. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the similarities between languages. In the recorded history, ethnic migration and various exchanges between the East and the West are frequent. Especially in the north, from the Hulunbuir grassland to the Eastern European grasslands, it is known as the migration channel of nomads. If there is no connection between languages, it seems impossible. In ancient times, people moved freely without borders. The ancients who migrated to a certain place will certainly not learn the local language step by step like the current migrants, and it is more likely to conquer or mix the local indigenous languages. There is evidence that wheat and others entered China along with human migration.

In ancient Chinese or classical Chinese, sentences are basically composed of single words. Through the explanation, it can be found that the expression in French and English may be more like the expression in ancient Chinese or Chinese local dialect. Cantonese has consonants in its final sound, but the pronunciation is usually very light and fast. For example: Foot [cut], English is foot [fut]. The reason for this is that after Qin unified the six countries, a large number of aristocrats and ordinary people from the six countries immigrated to Lingnan, which brought the Central Plains dialect at that time and merged with the local dialect to form Cantonese. Final consonants can distinguish vocabulary. Chinese has no consonants, which is easy to cause confusion. For example, tragedy, cups, and Cantonese can make up for this lack. Ancient Chinese may have consonants, and then evolve and lose the final consonants. You can see the introduction of Jiarong language to understand the evolution of Chinese.

The language of mankind has come to this day, in fact, it should go beyond the setting of language family. In ancient times, there were no countries and borders, and the ancients could make their homes everywhere without a passport. It is extremely normal for languages ​​to influence each other. But the thoughts made here are only out of interest or prospects for the future, and do not involve existing language theories.

Features and Regulations of Common Language Vocabulary

A few years ago, a report said that a Chinese-American history professor went to Gansu, China to do fieldwork. He found that the local dialect and ancient Jewish language have about a thousand vowels that have the same vowels. Later, my friend told Professor Wang Li to explain that the consonants in the language did not change much, but the vowels changed greatly. I also tried to find words with the same vowels in English and Chinese, and later on words with the same vowels in French and Chinese. Gradually integrated into this English-Chinese literal translation.

The common language vocabulary is not based on genetic research, but based on phonetic research and application. The relationship between languages, whether accidental or inevitable, tries to make the basic vocabulary have corresponding Chinese vocabulary with similar pronunciation, and find vocabulary that is close to each other in pronunciation and meaning. This article is to study how to find it, and gives some regular things. Although it is not possible to fully prove the inner connection between languages, there are still some clues.

The common language vocabulary is not a strict translation, but an imaginative comparison. Stories from daily life, pictures, and some classic studies and summaries. Each vocabulary has a simple explanation. The corresponding vocabulary may have a certain basis, may seem to make sense, or it may be a reluctant correspondence. The vocabulary of a common language is a vocabulary with similar pronunciations and similar meanings. General translation is free translation, which is difficult to learn. The advantage of literal translation is that it pays attention to the possible connections in the language and uses the original mother tongue in learning, which is equivalent to building a bridge.

Regardless of whether there is a language relationship, whether you are learning English, French or Chinese, you can use similar pronunciations to memorize vocabulary. The common language vocabulary is an indispensable vocabulary based on the consideration of pronunciation and word meaning, which is different from the current dictionary that only considers the meaning of words. Of course, it seems unrealistic to find a one-to-one correspondence, but at least this is an idea.

Every language has a history of change. For example, English give, gift, etc. are the same, and Arabic, the root of a book evolves like a bookstore, bookseller’s, etc. -ing is a conservative syllable.

English has been ruled by Normans for a long time because of Britain, and there have been major changes in pronunciation and vocabulary. Among the English vocabulary, according to general terms, about one-fifth are English vocabulary, three-fifths are from Latin and French, and the rest are from other languages. Of course, modern English may have more foreign words.

Chinese, due to various changes in history, has undergone the vernacular movement in modern times, and its vocabulary and pronunciation have undergone tremendous changes. However, the words used in the translation can be changed, and some similar pronunciations can be defined. Specifically, the English vocabulary uses English phonetic symbols or word spelling to select the corresponding Chinese vocabulary. For example, a is pronounced as ei, a, ai, o and so on. From Latin and Greek vocabulary, use Latin, Greek pronunciation and spelling to choose the corresponding Chinese vocabulary. For example, a can only be read as a, but not as ei. In this way, it is easy to find Chinese vocabulary with similar pronunciation. French vocabulary is based on the French spelling to find the Chinese corresponding words; some French vocabulary originally belonged to English, the Chinese corresponding words are found only according to the English pronunciation.

What is the English pronunciation?

The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, u, y. These six vowels are also in French. But the pronunciation is different. English is pronounced a【ei】, e【i】, o【ou】, u【ju】, y【wai】; French is pronounced a【a】, e【e】, i【i】, o【o】 , U [u], y [i], are pronounced the same as the Chinese Pinyin; the Chinese Pinyin is also based on French. English pronunciation is different from French. These differences should be related to the setting of the language that began to be written at that time.

It is a word developed from Old English, Middle English, etc. There are differences between open syllables and closed syllables. For example, bite, i is pronounced as [ai] sound, and bit as [i] sound. The pronunciation law of open syllables generally follows the pronunciation of English letters, and closed syllables are generally: a[ai], o[o], e[e], i[i], u[a], y[i].

Finding the corresponding words for closed syllable words may be different from the corresponding words found in the alphabetic pronunciation only as stipulated above. If you can find the corresponding words that comply with the two regulations, then list two correspondences; if you can’t find them, list only one. Take the nearest-sounding corresponding word.

The more troublesome thing is that you must know whether the word XX comes from Old, Middle English, or Latin. Because this determines the pronunciation of the letters. For example, a is pronounced as [ei] in English and as [a] in Latin or French. It is different in finding the corresponding words in Chinese.

The common language follows a few points when looking for the Chinese equivalents of English and French vocabulary, which are also what you need to follow when learning.

First, determine whether the word is an English word or a French word. Because, for example, the pronunciation of a is different in English or French.

Second, determine whether to find from spelling or pronunciation, generally from spelling. Note: Different spellings have different pronunciations. For example, the open syllable -ace, -ake, etc. are pronounced as [ei], while the closed syllable -ack, etc. are pronounced as [ae]. There are many other pronunciations caused by different spellings. At the same time, look for the consonants.

Third, determine the pinyin vowels of the corresponding Chinese characters, which are exactly the same as the spelling vowels and phonetic vowels of English words or French words. For example, base, the spelled vowel is a [ei], and the phonetic vowel is also [ei]. At this time, the corresponding Chinese character is Bei [bei], which can be completely corresponding. Generally this is in terms of open syllables. At the same time, look for the consonants.

For closed syllables, such as back【baek】, the phonetic symbol is 【ae】. First find it according to the phonetic symbol but cannot find it. Find it according to the spelled vowel and recite 【bei】. At the same time, look for the consonants.

Or need vowel conversion. For example, base [beis] can also correspond to the basic base [ji], because [ei] is related to [i].

Just to mention a few examples. In the Chinese translation, there are Latin vocabulary French English.

Yes, will.


foot, zu

book book, shu

at, zai

sky; cover, the sky is called the dome cover

eye, eye, called yar in northern dialect

mouth, pronounced as mou by spelling,

Mouth, kou. white, white, bai red, read by spelling, ri, red, chi,

Historically, the spelling of English may not have changed, but the pronunciation has changed. So look for the corresponding word, either from the spelling, or from the phonetic transcription. For example, the word water may be pronounced as wei from the spelling, because a is pronounced as ei in English. This corresponds exactly to the Chinese word shuei-shui.

red, read by spelling, ri, red. When looking for corresponding words, the pronunciation of vowels in English vocabulary spelling is generally used instead of the phonetic symbols as a basis. There is a saying that the British are conservative and the pronunciation of words has changed, but the spelling remains unchanged. Therefore, the spelling of English can better display the original pronunciation of English. For example, the -e pronunciation of red [e] may be the French pronunciation. There should be many such words. The spelling may be the previous spelling of English, but the pronunciation has changed. When English began to have written records, its spelling and pronunciation were consistent. Only later, when the pronunciation and spelling are no longer consistent, will there be a phonetic transcription.

French office, house oui, only; plus, repeatedly, quand when, rivere, water, ruin, chien dog. Bong, good, good, yes, Henan dialect includes: Zhong, zhong; Chinese: too tai; French pronunciation tre. ma.rine, Ming, the ancient name of the sea.

The vocabulary of the common language is written according to the following characteristics of the vocabulary:

There are associations of things, such as lumiere, lune, and 氲yun

Directly describe things in language, such as come, when you make a sound;

The same application of vowels. For example, English book, book shu, all vowels are u; French chanter, sing chang

Application of the same consonant; for example, English Send, send song to extend shen; French plus, repeat lv

Generally, try to find the corresponding words with similar vowels and consonants, such as English Send, Shen Shen, French plus, and lv;

The application of children’s voice; such as claire, bright liar’s voice

The description of things, such as come, make a sound, I come;

The correspondence between nasal words and non-nasal words; for example, English eye, Chinese eye yan, local dialect yar

Connections between nasal words; for example, mountain, shan, all have nasal sounds

Prepositions are not restricted to the interpretation of corresponding prepositions, such as English With, tail wei (trailing); follow

Sometimes two explanations are given, and the reader can choose. For example, English and French tears, weeping tsi.qi, tears lei, dtnl are the same race

An English or French word has many different suffixes, that is, words with different parts of speech but similar meanings. Generally, the spelling of the main word is used to find the Chinese counterpart. For example, act, action, activate, active, activity, etc., based on act.

Because different combinations of vowels in English vocabulary have different sounds, each combination is listed separately, and then the corresponding Chinese characters are given. For example, -ack, -ace, e, ea, ee, etc., instead of just listing a, e and other vowels and their corresponding Chinese characters.

The spelling of English is generally different from its phonetic transcription. Correspondence with Chinese mentioned here, both spelling and phonetic symbols are included.

Spanish generally refers to a related word for a thing. For example, ab.brev.iate, the Chinese corresponds to abbreviation [lue], [suo], abbreviation, and abbreviation. English and French have prefixes, suffixes and so on.

The classification of vocabulary, A, B, C, etc., is classified according to the initial letter of the main part of the word. For example, a.blaze, its classification is classified into B.

Some words in Chinese have one meaning, and some have multiple meanings. For example, the word waiting has multiple meanings. According to the interpretation of the Xinhua Dictionary, there are: waiting, entertaining, going to, staying and so on.

In English, a word may also have multiple meanings. For example, abide, meaning: persist, wait, live, and the corresponding Chinese word can be a word: wait, which can basically correspond.

There may be several Chinese characters corresponding to an English word or French word, and the main one is generally selected. For example, ab.neg.ation, which means giving up, rejecting, and restraining. The corresponding Chinese characters can be: Jue, Ke. Absolute means to refuse, and it also means to give up. Restraint means restraint and has nothing to do with absolute words.

The main body of some words cannot be found in the dictionary. The subject word-ject of words such as ab.ject, con.ject.ure, in.ject, etc. cannot be found in the dictionary. Another example: of.fice, the subject word of suf.fice -fice; may come from Greek, Latin, etc. The author himself does not have more time and energy to find the original source. Therefore, only similar Chinese characters can be given, not necessarily very appropriate.

For more phrase example sentences in Chinese or English and French, you can refer to the explanation of the word in books or on the Internet for detailed content. For example, the word crawl has several meanings, and there are several corresponding phrases or idioms; boot, has several meanings, in the meaning of phrases and example sentences, etc., you can refer to other places.

Therefore, the correspondence between Chinese and English or French words may be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many. The one or more here refers to the word or its meaning.

Sometimes the Chinese characters you find may not be very appropriate. Over time, there may be more appropriate corresponding Chinese characters to be found.

Common language tends to give a broader explanation, with imaginative elements. Although it is an explanation of vocabulary, I still want to put poetry in a boring explanation. It can be assumed that there is a connection between languages. The same word is used in this language to express this meaning, and that language is used to express other meanings, but it is still somewhat related. The explanation here seems to be able to make sense. For example, English dreams, blowing chuei; dream. The dream is like blowing smoke. Long, Long (Mahjong One Dragon) long; long. I don’t know if there is also the concept of dragon in a place far away from China.

English vocabulary only chooses the more common ones, and the corresponding Chinese vocabulary only chooses one or two to write. The Chinese vocabulary cannot be considered as the final answer, so the online dictionary is used to facilitate modification. The writing of some Chinese vocabulary really seems reluctant. If you need a detailed and accurate vocabulary explanation, please consult various other English-Chinese dictionaries immediately.

The advantage of transliteration is to understand its thoughts without barriers, and to remember it firmly. For example: auto-[] v. [<Greek]. [国 bao, jiao, jiao, xiao, zhao, wo] Bao, arrogant, Jiao, Xiao, Zhao, me; self, self. Choose whatever vocabulary you are willing to call yourself. Ancient man-made characters may do just that.

Language and writing are artistic things, and their origin and evolution are not strictly defined and reasoned like mathematical theorems. They are very random and accidental. But through hard work, we can also find a pattern. For example, the division of language family, the influence of literary works on language. The language will also conform to the Five Elements Bagua.

Common language explores possible connections between languages ​​to promote language learning. Non-textbook, non-final answer, is a dynamic process. Instead of creating a language, we strive to make different languages ​​run through while maintaining their independence.


Language and writing are beautiful flowers that God bestows on us. Both the pronunciation tense and the writing of words seem to be a summary of the views of time and space by the ancients and later philosophers in the vast space and extremely distant era. May every language and characters bloom like flowers in a garden.

Chinese characters are hieroglyphs, precious and stable. Although Pinyin is easy to learn, the pronunciation will change over time. Those who came later could not understand the thoughts of the predecessors. This is even more so in the age of immigration, that is, the age of navigation or aerospace. The languages ​​of different places and different planets are definitely different. It is impossible to imagine that everyone speaks only one language. Only Chinese characters can solve the problem of literal communication.

In fact, language learning is not the goal. Using language to discuss issues is the ultimate goal of language learning. Any issues you are interested in should be the object of discussion and should not be restricted, so as to inspire wisdom and solve problems, and promote the progress of civilization.

Are we using our current point of view to understand the ancients and others?

For example, we may think that the various action names in the Big Wild Goose Gong are just action names, but because the ancients have a larger realm than ours, they may not be as we understand now. Contains a detached understanding of the world.

Like yin and yang, now it is said that the ancients, through abstraction, saw the sun, men, etc., and drew the concept of yang. Perhaps it is the sun, the state of a man coming from yin and yang, which was understood by the ancient human body. For example, understand. The understanding of the word in English and Chinese is different.

Theoretical exploration is endless, and there is never a final, standard, and only answer to all questions. Although Zhou is an old state, his fate is restored. ———– “The Book of Songs·Daya·Wen Wang”. Thank God. Thank you earth. Thank the country and people. Thanks to the ancestors. Thank you parents and family. Thanks to the creator of Chinese characters. Thanks to the authors of previous dictionaries. Thanks to the text reformers, because the Chinese characters are retained. May we be strong. May the world be peaceful.


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